Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Better Health

I have a goal to get to a certain weight, but I also have goals to get to better health.  While I was with the Postal Service I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  Even while eating right and exercising I still had high cholesterol.  Since I am 8 years older than I was last time I was on WW, I expect my blood pressure to remain higher than it was when I was in my twenties and thirties, and it does.  

I went to give blood last week.  I am trying to go each time I am eligible.  My blood pressure was 130/88.  Now normal is <120/<80, so I am still above normal.  In March it was 123/83.  Studies show your blood pressure changes depending on your activity, posture, stresses, and sleep.  I had run 2 miles before I gave blood last week, so it should have been up a bit.  It also says the lower number will rise with age due to stiffening of the arteries.  According to the American Heart Association, I am okay.  Unless my blood pressure rises above 140/90 I shouldn't need medication.  My diet is within all the guidelines for a healthy heart diet.  I am exercising regularly and that is also within the guidelines.

Now as to cholesterol.......  this has been my concern due to family history.  I really do not want to be the first woman in my family to die from a heart attack.  Well, that's silly...I don't want anyone to die from a heart attack.  What I mean to say is, no woman has died from a heart attack in my family, only men.  I do not want to add women to that statistic.  In March my total cholesterol was 224, in May it was 202, last week it was 176!  It is going down and that is good.  I have an appointment with my doctor this month to get the break down of HDL, LDL, etc.  I am hoping my good "HDL" will be better than it was 6 months ago.  Studies show.....there's that study again.....  150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week will help to get your good HDL up.  I believe I am in that category.   

So exercise, better eating and less stress all work together to give you better health.  I think I am on my way.  

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