Thursday AM. I should go for a run. My leg is feeling a bit weird. I need to see the chiropractor again. I have a ton of things to do before work. I need to clean my bathroom, wash the sheets on the spare bed, pack and that's all I have time for.
I am leaving for Virginia tomorrow morning at 8:00. I am helping my youngest daughter move from Newport News to Las Vegas, NV. It's gonna be a long trip and I have been trying to get my things together for the last two days. I made a trip to Weight Watchers, returned a couple things at Big 5, went to Target for a set of headphones on sale, got gas, went to the grocery store and the library. I picked the peppers that were good to go and made a meatloaf with my homegrown tomatoes, peppers and stuffed a couple of homegrown bell peppers. It was yummy. Did some laundry, watched some TV and went to bed.
So my fitness has to be put on the back burner for a few days, or I should say a couple of weeks I have got to get my back into place before I start running again. I can't stand the way my knee, hip, joints pop. I wonder if a joint supplement would help.
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